In December, 2013, the President's Blue Ribbon Commission issued a report to the SCU Trustees that, point blank, gave us an "F" for failure to fund Athletics over the past 20+ years. We were near the bottom in almost every category compared to our WCC and National competitors. The commission's analysis showed that success in Athletics provided substantial leverage that could impact many University strategic priorities.
Gee, ya think? Gonzaga figured that out 25 years ago. We all know how that turned out.
Fast forward to now. BIG changes have occurred, but with the exception of Women's Soccer, we're still chasing national relevance in major sports and, particularly, in Men's Basketball.
The May 1st groundbreaking of the Schott Athletics Excellence Center may finally be the "tipping point" to the trajectory of Men's Basketball. UP.
The 2013 commission agreed to amp up funding. But there was another idea, a BIG idea, costing BIG money.
Who would be so bold? Well - Herb Sendek.
Rumor has it, the convo came up during his interview with Renee and then at a retreat during Coach Sendek's first year. What do we need to attract the best possible student athletes that would allow us to challenge for titles in the WCC and post season?
How about a "top 20" level facility that will change the current notion that SCU is a prodding along, mid- major program. An athletics' center that can stand up next to anything that Villanova, Gonzaga and others have to offer.
Three years and $38 M later, rising from the dirt that was an athletics program on life support, is one of the boldest statements ever in SCU Athletics history. The new center, is the half court, hail Mary "Schott" that we mean it; national relevance.
The "U" and Trustees are "all in." Blue Ribbon Commission 2.0 led, again, by John M. Sobrato will be happening in parallel. Why? To measure progress and, I hope, go faster. If you're going to be competitive, you must beat your competition. All WCC teams are investing. It's not good enough anymore to keep pace, you have to try to "lap" the field.
Of course, there will be rampant naysayers. Can't blame them. Wrong A.D., coaches, schedules, etc, etc. It's a big bet. Buildings before more scholarships to other sports, but at least we're taking chances! One thing we know, the limp along strategy wasn't working.
If we build it, will they come?
Does it mean that all of the sudden we'll be stealing recruits from Duke? Uh, no. But, we will be able to offer a no compromises program for the athletes that fit the SCU profile.
In the end, it's all about winning, not whining. Been there, done that.
Coach Sendek has called his own number at crunch time. Can he deliver? I like the game plan - now we just need to see it succeed on the Court at Leavey...
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