Somewhere, inside SCU and Athletics there's a roadmap for MBB to become a contender in the WCC and a nationally recognized winning program.
I think that's great. My biggest question is, Who's gonna drive??
In any successful venture, there has to be a "driver". Someone who steps up and OWNS the process and the outcome.
Like Jared Brownridge driving for the winning basket versus St. Mary's - taking the game and program on his back and delivering.
I've asked this question to several at the "U" and so far, no clear answer....
Being the driver is not for the faint of heart. Particularly at SCU, given the magnitude of the challenge...
Maybe that's why we've not heard who's gonna drive "We're on a Mission" to something beyond a catchy slogan?
So, in the absence of communication, there are successful models of schools similar to SCU for us to emulate and in fact, several the President's Commission studied.
Examples: Villanova, Butler, Xavier, and Creighton.
I don't even have to introduce these programs, because most everyone "knows" who they are and what they've achieved. Well, maybe Creighton is a little under the radar, but they have a strong MBB and Women's sports as well - in , ahem, Omaha.....
How do these schools do it? There are many factors, but their recipe's have some similarities.
They each have a capable "driver" and sponsor.
The A.D's report directly to the University President, signifying Athletics is as important to the University and student life as Academics.
The University allocates significant funding to Athletics from their operating budgets.
They go public with their plans and ambitions. Most of the A.D.'s are driving the strategic plan and are open about their goals and accountability.
Some produce frequent "Ask the A.D." videos they share with fans. They get fans and students on board. At Xavier, A.D. Greg Christopher talks openly about their strategic plans and goals in his "Ask the A.D" video series.
They have Marketing plans that build upon their Brand and get people engaged. Some even publish an events schedule at the beginning of the season, so calendars can be coordinated.
For example, Villanova has a Men's Basketball Banquet they offer to their fans that's a sellout.
You'll rarely find a Golden Circle type fundraiser that collides with an arch rival home game.
Direct, Visible, DRIVEN.
IMHO, "who's gonna drive" is the most difficult part of the whole SCU potential Athletic's makeover.
We're sort of like a start up that has had some success, but needs to get to the next level and the Board of Directors has to decide if the current executive team can take us there?
For a student, maybe it's like taking the leap from Freshman statistics directly into multi-variable calculus. Daunting....
When we have the answer to "who's gonna drive" it will signal to all SCU fans if we are really "On a Mission" or just out for a joy ride...
Next Up: How SCU can punch its ticket to the NCAA Tournament
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