"The Bucking Bronco"

We all remember the classic game show, "What's My Line". After 20 questions, the audience discovers who the real person was from a panel of impostors.
So, what does this have to do with A.D. Dan Coonan?
Well - He may not be who you think he is? Huh?
He is, of course, our Director of Athletics.
There is the Dan we, in the chairbacks, see at Leavey, working the attending fans and in some cases, like Gonzaga games, the crowd. Ever smiling, energetic, upbeat, engaging, and selling the Brand.
There is the Dan that has run athletics for the past 10 years who was trying to elevate a program that has SO MUCH potential. But was such a low priority for the University that he never had an opportunity to have an audience with our Regents or Trustees. The fear was that he might expose the elephant in the room which was the "little secret" about the lack of scholarships.
There is the Dan that people feel is just too nice, a caretaker, a schmoozer, not enough visceral DNA or vision to drive the University brass to see the real value to the U as a whole, to a stronger athletic program. (Butler's endowment grew more than 30% after their NCAA tourney runs)
There is the Dan that fans wonder if he holds his coaching and program staffs accountable for measurable results.
There is the Dan that fans wonder if he holds his coaching and program staffs accountable for measurable results.
There is the Dan who has the vocal repertoire to toe the party line spin, even after a 0-16 Men's Basketball record in the WCC, to say it was followed by a post-season tournament Championship.
That's the Dan I thought I was meeting last February, but during our interview he "morphed" into another Dan I hadn't seen.
This Dan accepted the A.D. job having an inkling that it was underfunded, but believing it would change.
This Dan could barely contain himself with the idea that the President's Commission would enable a "new day" in SCU athletics.
This Dan owned the perception that he doesn't hold staff as accountable as he could. "I task coaches to compete for conference titles knowing full well they don't have near the scholarships of those they compete with." (He has a "binder" full of measurements, so many that they might be immeasurable?)
This Dan bluntly states, "All I want are the resources to compete on the same level as our WCC opponents and be accountable for those results." This will be true for all coaches, especially Men's Basketball - because of its visibility.
This Dan was actually invited and presented to the Commission and the Trustees. The "elephant in the room" was not only exposed, but dissected.
This Dan has a clear vision and Brand, "We're on a Mission."
This Dan wants so badly to raise the level of SCU's athletic's performance that he has endured 10 years of being "muted" by the University.
So, back to my question. Will the real Dan Coonan please stand up?
Fast forward to today. The Commission has presented, the Trustees approved and more importantly - money IS coming.
If this is truly a "new day". The real Dan Coonan will finally get his chance to shine - the chance he has waited 10 years to get.....
Next Post: The Cost to Compete.....You won't believe it...
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