"The Bucking Bronco"

June 2014 was a BIG month for Santa Clara University.
The President's commission on Athletics presented their findings and recommendations to the Board of Trustees who "unanimously" endorsed and directed the University to implement a plan to increase our visibility and competitiveness on a National level.
As a wrote last December 5th, the commission's makeup had some real "street cred". Their research extensive, their criticisms frank, and their vision of the opportunities "significant".
The Trustees agreed. Athletics across the board needs to be improved.
NOW, this is the moment, we as Men's Basketball Season ticket holders have been waiting for....
It feels like to me, that we have been buying our season tickets with a 401K attitude... "I'll buy them again as if it's an investment for something better in the future"....
The FUTURE is here....
Why is this time different?
Try these.
The Trustees run the University and they have "directed" the University to implement and report. A first.
Athletics has been tasked with developing a plan and timetable to meet the goals stated above to upgrade SCU Athletics and particularly Men's Basketball.
Athletics is now a key component in the University's strategic plan versus an "honorable mention" in the past. Another first.
The University will fund as part of its operating budget, the shortfall in Athletic scholarships SCU has been suffering from for a long time, estimated to be, as I reported earlier, about a 30% delta to the rest of the WCC teams. The wallet is out - and the moths are fleeing. Another First.
Pretty Strong....And long overdue.
We as season ticket holders HOPE all these "firsts" translate into a first place in the WCC or our first NCAA bid in over 20 years.... Both hard, but hey - goals are goals....
The Stevens family generous gift of $ 7.7 million for Soccer is the catalyst for hopefully more gifts to come.
Soccer, particularly the success of Jerry Smith's women's program, can serve as a model for Men's Basketball. The Steven's gift will upgrade our Soccer field, lockers, and stature as a top tier National stage player. Well earned and deserved.
We all dream that Men's Basketball can get there.....
I'm just a little queasy on two points......
If Athletics is developing the plan and timetable - will they go too easy on themselves to meet the Trustees goals?? Hope not - fox in the hen house issue...
Where in the University structure will Athletics report? Critical. A key signal. In most National programs it's to the University President. The "buck" stops here importance...
At the end of the day - it's all good....
Money is coming, measurements of success will be reviewed, people become accountable for results - and FANS and SEASON ticket holders loyalty becomes recognized and acknowledged....
The first half of the NEW Santa Clara Athletics focus has begun - and the clock it ticking......
The Trustees agreed. Athletics across the board needs to be improved.
NOW, this is the moment, we as Men's Basketball Season ticket holders have been waiting for....
It feels like to me, that we have been buying our season tickets with a 401K attitude... "I'll buy them again as if it's an investment for something better in the future"....
The FUTURE is here....
Why is this time different?
Try these.
The Trustees run the University and they have "directed" the University to implement and report. A first.
Athletics has been tasked with developing a plan and timetable to meet the goals stated above to upgrade SCU Athletics and particularly Men's Basketball.
Athletics is now a key component in the University's strategic plan versus an "honorable mention" in the past. Another first.
The University will fund as part of its operating budget, the shortfall in Athletic scholarships SCU has been suffering from for a long time, estimated to be, as I reported earlier, about a 30% delta to the rest of the WCC teams. The wallet is out - and the moths are fleeing. Another First.
Pretty Strong....And long overdue.
We as season ticket holders HOPE all these "firsts" translate into a first place in the WCC or our first NCAA bid in over 20 years.... Both hard, but hey - goals are goals....
The Stevens family generous gift of $ 7.7 million for Soccer is the catalyst for hopefully more gifts to come.
Soccer, particularly the success of Jerry Smith's women's program, can serve as a model for Men's Basketball. The Steven's gift will upgrade our Soccer field, lockers, and stature as a top tier National stage player. Well earned and deserved.
We all dream that Men's Basketball can get there.....
I'm just a little queasy on two points......
If Athletics is developing the plan and timetable - will they go too easy on themselves to meet the Trustees goals?? Hope not - fox in the hen house issue...
Where in the University structure will Athletics report? Critical. A key signal. In most National programs it's to the University President. The "buck" stops here importance...
At the end of the day - it's all good....
Money is coming, measurements of success will be reviewed, people become accountable for results - and FANS and SEASON ticket holders loyalty becomes recognized and acknowledged....
The first half of the NEW Santa Clara Athletics focus has begun - and the clock it ticking......
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