I love "Rumorville." Especially for the Broncos next MBB coach.
It's a lot more exciting than the last nine years, where our best stats were graduation rates not win rates.
Yawn. I mean this is Santa Clara. Ya think we're going to let our athletes flunk out? Sure it takes effort, but apparently it's a lot easier than winning.
GMT * which is always dangerous.
How will "we" measure MBB success? We, meaning the University, Trustees, Dr. B, season ticket holders, fans, and the media. I mean, this is new territory for SCU.
In the past, my guess is that previous coaches were asked to run a clean program and win some games along the way. I don't intend this to be demeaning. All of our previous coaches, including Kerry, were fierce and dedicated to being the best, but I doubt there were specific measurements; re: winning or you're out.
I remember my convo with our previous A.D. who said there was actually some "teeth" in Coach Keating's last extension. So before that, I guess not?
Not now, people. Dr. B knows the clock is ticking. SCU Vision 2020 says "nationally relevant."
I'm sure each group mentioned above would have different takes on MBB success.
Since SCU is a prestigious academic institution, I'm going to make it a "formula."
W/L + GR + N > 102
There it is. Go crazy math quants...
This formula translates to seasons with at least 20 wins AND reinforces commitment to SCU Jesuit values. It has an adder for post season events that matter - where we want to be.
No more "fuzzy" stuff. No more Hakuna Matata...
SO, there it is. Put it in their contract.
So, whether it's Herb, Kurt, Lloyd, Jim, Travis, Kevin, Russell, Brian, or whoever, here's the "teeth" in their SCU contract.
Now, we need to get it done and take a "bite" out of those Bulldogs!
GMT = Got Me Thinking